How to Take Care of Yourself During Stay at Home

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From staying healthy and fit to staying emotionally balanced, I’ve got you covered! Here is a round-up of my favorite ways to take care of yourself during stay at home.

I haven’t seen my grandchildren or two of my children in over a month. My son’s wedding for this summer has been cancelled. I had to postpone indefinitely a trip to see my 87 year-old mom.

I miss my family and friends! This is a difficult time for sure.

Look, I know all the memes on Facebook recommend early day drinking and junk food.

At the same time, I have a few friends who are workout beasts who post pictures of themselves doing hand-stand push-ups. What???? It’s a thing!

It looks like we are going to be continuing with some version of being more at home than usual for a while longer.

So, my friends, you gotta take care of yourself! That means finding a place that is not letting yourself go or beating yourself up for not making the most of this time.

If day drinking and eating junk food is an F and learning a new language and getting a 6-pack is an A+, I’m aiming for a solid B.

From staying healthy and fit to staying emotionally balanced, I’ve got you covered! Here is a round-up of my favorite ways to take care of yourself during stay at home.

What does taking care of yourself at home look like?

It means my weight has stayed stable the entire time except for one unfortunate week that involved a loaf of homemade bread. Hint: bread makes me gain weight even if it is gluten-free.

It means I exercise every day. Walking a few miles counts. Barre counts. Anything that feels good counts.

It means most of the time I eat clean. Except for the week of bread incident. And the 4 bags of tortilla chips incident.

It means that I have goals each week about what I want to accomplish and I do them. I make a list and I schedule time for them in the week.

I also schedule “rest” time. Lots of rest time.

It means that I connect with people. I could do more. But hey, I think I’ve got the B for sure on this one.

How to Take Care of Yourself During Stay at Home

I went through my posts and I found the ones that I thought would be most relevant and helpful for you during this time.

I don’t know about you, but I only have three people that I see in person. And I social distance from two of them, you know, keep our six feet.

My primary ways of caring for myself during quarantine are to take care of my:

  • Mind
  • Body
  • Spirit

I’ve found a lot of peace in doing this. Sure, I look forward to being around real people someday and going out to eat. However, I have found a lot of challenge and even fun in leaning into this quieter, slower moving life.

At first, I thought the days were endless. Now they seem to pass by more quickly because I am using my time better. I made the decision that this is not a time that I want to waste.

Do you need help?

In the post below, I share over 20 posts about helping yourself during this time. These are real actionable ideas that you can use right now. However, if that’s not enough, you can also talk to me in person.

If you are struggling and need help, I can provide one-on-one help for you. I’m a certified life and weight coach who can help you make changes in a few weeks versus years. If this sounds like you, schedule a free zoom call here.

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Who knows what the future holds. None of us get any kind of guarantee about life. If this was my last month alive—I want it to count for something. I want to know that I took the best care of myself that I could.

So, here are my top 20 ways to take care of yourself while staying at home!

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Feel Happier While Staying at Home

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In this post, I share how to wake up happier by creating an evening self-care routine to set your mind at ease. 

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woman reading a travel memoir in bed

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21 Inspiring Travel Memoirs

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While we are on stay at home orders, check out these inspiring travel memoirs will take you around the world from the comfort of your bed or reading chair!

Get in Shape During Stay at Home

How to Lose Weight with Walking

Walking is a great way to lose weight and it is also a great stress-buster. Getting outside and walking is not only allowed in most areas but encouraged!

Why Walking is the Best Exercise

Walking is an amazing exercise that can help you lose and maintain a healthy weight and remains year after year my favorite exercise. Not only is walking a very effective exercise; it's good for your mood and it's fun as well!

Walking has been my favorite exercise for over 30 years! At 58, I’m the same weight and size (actually a little smaller size) than I was in college. It also helps me stay calm, gives me great ideas, and is just overall an amazing exercise!

Best Workouts to Lose Weight

Here are 10 FREE exercise videos that you can mix and match to burn fat and lose weight. Total body fitness videos are the best workouts for weight loss that I've found.

At the end of a workout, do you EVER say, “I wish I hadn’t done that?” NO! You’re always glad you did it! Here are 10 FREE exercise videos that you can mix and match to burn fat and lose weight.

I exercise at home almost every day of the week. There’s always enough time to do a walk-at-home video or a short HIIT workout. These days, I’m especially grateful to have so many options online and for FREE.

How to Get Fit Without a Gym

Hate to go to the gym or do hard core workouts? But you still want to be in great shape? Me too! Here's how to get fit without a gym.

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How to Reduce Body Fat Naturally

Here’s how to reduce body fat naturally. Learn what foods to eat to lose body fat and weight, when to eat them, and how to exercise for optimal fat burning.

Learn what foods to eat to lose body fat and weight, when to eat them, and how to exercise for optimal fat burning.

Sunday Detox Stew

This is my go-to soup to get me back on track. It is EASY, delicious, and always makes me feel great. Plus it's gluten-free, dairy-free, paleo, and Whole 30. Enjoy!

This is my go-to soup to get me back on track. It is EASY, delicious, and always makes me feel great. Plus it’s gluten-free, dairy-free, paleo, and Whole 30. Enjoy!

Roasted Beet and Sweet Potato Salad with Balsamic Vinegar

Picture of roasted beets and sweet potato salad

This roasted beet and sweet potato salad with balsamic vinegar is loaded with colorful and nutrient-packed vegetables but so good, it’s almost decadent.

25 Delicious Healthy Recipes

Healthy food can also be DELICIOUS food too! This is a list of 25 delicious healthy recipes that are good for you. Your taste buds and your body will thank you.

This is a list of 25 delicious healthy recipes that are good for you. Your taste buds and your body will thank you.

Start a Blog at Home

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Coaching with Sara

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Sara at Home

Thanks for being a part of my time at home! Every one of us is facing a challenge that we could not have anticipated.

I also believe, that we are all drawing on inner reserves that we didn’t know we had. We are discovering that life can change in an instant and we have to adapt and sometimes adapt fast.

For now, the most helpful thing for me has been to make the most of every day! I don’t plan on getting on with life later, I am getting on with it now!

That is the best piece of advice I can give you. Live life right NOW.

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Keep showing up my friends,



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Hi, I'm Sara Garska and I'm so happy you're here! Big changes can happen with a shift in thinking. Over time, you transform your life into the one you always dreamed of having. As a certified life coach, I can help you create a life you love. Visit my life coaching page here.