Look Good Feel Good: How to Look Great All the Time

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Look good and feel good! Here are my top tips to look good all the time. Being an attractive woman is something you can learn today and enjoy forever. Here’s how to look amazing all the time!

At 60, I feel and look my best and I do this for me. I also enjoy being able to do work I love and keep up with my growing family. I’m a mom to grown children and grandmother to three grandchildren so far.

On a funny note, my grandchildren are all girls and they love when I spend the night and they can do my night time face routine.

When I look great—I feel great. Here’s the important thing. The better you feel about yourself, the more you can enjoy other people and activities.

For most of my life, I wasn’t confident about my looks. My new confidence comes from looking better and it truly has helped my inner beauty come out too.

Looking Better Helps Me Say Yes More

I don’t let insecurities keep me from trying new things now. These tips for looking put together allow me to join in without any worry about how I look.

I have discovered that the better I look, the better I feel!

This is important because, in talking to some of my clients, how they feel about their looks, keeps them from doing all the things they want.

This is not just vanity ladies! It’s about living your life to the fullest in whatever way you want.

Trying new things and activities has brought me more joy, increased my social life, and has given me the confidence to try even more things.

This is so much more than vanity or trying to keep up with other women. It’s about finding comfort in my own style and in my own skin.

I’ve opened up my life to more than I ever dreamed was possible.

What Makes a Woman Attractive?

“I want what she’s having because someday I hope I can look as  put together as she does.”

This comment came from a woman who was behind me in the coffee line when it was her time to order.

It made me smile because, among other things, I was wearing a $25 pair of jeans and a hand-me-down top from my daughter.

Looking put together is possible on any budget. Being attractive is a combination of your attitude and doing specific things to enhance your natural beauty.

Look good feel good! Here are my top tips to look put together all the time. Being an attractive woman is an art you can learn today and enjoy forever. Here's how to look amazing all the time!

How I Learned How to Look Good

For years I avoided new places and situations because I was afraid, almost pathologically afraid, that I wouldn’t look right. I wouldn’t know what to pack or wear.

I’ve gotten over that. Not only that but I can step into any situation and feel confident about how I look and what I’m wearing.

From camping in the mountains to dinner with millionaires in the big city, I’ve learned a few tricks that make showing up and enjoying the experience possible.

And I’ll tell you right now, none of the tips are about trying to compete with people that have lots of money!

Let’s face it; just showing up isn’t enough. You also want to look and feel good. If you’re like me, you don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on clothes and beauty treatments.

However with some effort you can look and feel great no matter what the event is.

A few of these tips to look good all the time,  have to do with clothing.

Because we women have so many choices out there, it’s often hard to find clothes that look great on us and that make us feel fabulous. But it’s not impossible.

6 Clothing Tips to Look Good All the Time

Buy fewer clothes

The first tip is to buy fewer clothes. Most women have closets full of clothes because we imagine that makes us have something to wear for everything. Or we think, someday we’ll have that big fancy closet.

But let’s face it. I’ve been in enough closets to know most women own more clothes than they’ll ever wear. Admit it, you probably even have an item or two with the price tags still on.

When your closet is stuffed with too many items; it can be difficult to find the things you need to make a great outfit.

When you have a better edited and curated wardrobe, you will easily put together attractive ensembles. It may seem counter-intuitive but it’s true.

When you have fewer things, here’s what happens. You are more careful about what you buy and keep. You take better care of what you do have.

With fewer items, they are easier to organize and see, so you can always put something together for any occasion!

How to shop in discount stores

Everyone has their favorite one of these. Some of the common ones in my area are TJ Maxx, Ross, Nordstrom’s Rack, and Marshall’s.

I have the best luck with NR and Marshalls. I have a friend in Las Vegas that loves Ross. It probably depends on where you live and what you are looking for.

Since I don’t love shopping that much, here is my technique. When I go in, I pull the maximum number of clothes you are allowed to take in the dressing room.

Then I go try them all on. Sometimes I find nothing that fits or looks right. Sometimes I find 2 or 3 things.

I mostly look for tops in these stores. I will spend a little more for pants from regular stores to get a certain kind of fit.

I don’t have as much luck in the discount stores with pants because that seems more hit or miss.

However, I can find tops and dresses that are pretty, classic or unique in discount stores. I also find great shoes in these kinds of stores.

Check the sales rack of your favorite brands

I like a good department store too. They are convenient and we are familiar with the brands too. I love to check out the sales racks for the higher-end brands that work well with my look.

If you have a favorite brand, sometimes it’s worth paying full price to get the perfect pair of pants, jacket, blouse, or cardigan.

My rule of thumb is if you are paying full price, you definitely want to be able to use it multiple ways.

This past holiday season, I knew that I had a few upscale parties to attend. I ended up paying full-price for a dress and shoes that I thought would work for all the parties and look more expensive than it really was.

I wore that dress to everything I could! The only person seeing it each time was my fiancée and since he thought I looked gorgeous in it, he didn’t care.

The best part was that I felt great every time I put it on. I was with people that had probably spent hundreds more on their clothes but it just didn’t matter.

When you can find something that fits you perfectly in size and look, you will look fabulous.

Try on everything!

It’s so tempting to take something home to try on or order it online. I believe firmly, that you must try every single item on—even if you’ve tried on the exact same thing in a different color.

You just never know.

Any piece of clothing can look totally different on you than what you imagine it’s going to look like. Even if you absolutely love it on the rack; try it on anyway.

Make sure it fits right. Determine if the color suits you.

Take chances on things you wouldn’t normally buy. Sometimes the perfect thing for you doesn’t look great on the rack. On the opposite side, sometimes something you are sure will fit; looks horrible on you.

If you try it on first, you will absolutely minimize the number of useless items you have hanging in your closet. Most things you bring home, you will wear. And it’s great to not have to return clothing to the store.

Buy clothes that fit

Don’t buy clothes that are too small because you like the size on the tag. If it’s too small and you like it, try on the bigger size.

You’ll actually look smaller in clothes that are the right size than you’ll look in a smaller size that is too tight.

Also, don’t buy clothes that are too big and baggy. Baggy clothes just make you look sloppy.

If you are bigger than you’d like to be, buy a couple of outfits that are gorgeous and fit you perfectly. Love the body you are in as it is and dress it with love.

Looking good all the time has nothing to do with size! It has to do with what you wear and how you wear it.

No matter what your size is–buy clothes that fit.

Only buy what you love, what looks great, and what feels good

This was a rule I had for my daughters when they were teenagers. It really keeps what you buy to a minimum and what you do buy you will love.

It is an amazing experience to have everything in your closet fit and look great on you. People will think you have a much more extensive wardrobe than you have.

People really don’t pay that much attention to your individual pieces of clothing; they notice your overall look.

When you buy what you love and what fits perfectly, you always look great.

Body, Skin, and Hair Tips to Look Great and Feel Great

Take care of your hair

There are no hard and fast rules here. However, I’ve discovered that when my hair looks great; I feel great.

There’s a reason we all hate “bad hair days.” And why we feel AMAZING on good hair days.

I hate working on my hair but I do it because it is the one thing that makes me feel most beautiful. Everything else can be just okay but a good hair day for me makes me feel like a million dollars.

Whether this is actually true or not, when my hair is looking fantastic, I tell myself that no one is going to even notice anything else.

Many of you may have hair that is the perfect color and easy to style. I have always envied that.

I finally gave up hoping for easy-to-care for hair and have accepted that for me to even get close to having pretty hair, I have to put some money into it.

A few times a year, I get it colored and trimmed up. My current stylist for the past 10 years, is the only person that has really understood my hair and cuts it in a way that works for my hair type.

If you haven’t found that person—don’t give up! It took my 20 years to find Stephen.

For special occasions and travel, I pay to get my hair professionally blow-dried.

Not everyone will need to do that. However, my hair is so thick and unruly that it saves me so much time and effort and it looks great for 8–10 days.

I am able to make my hair last so I can get every bit of value from having done it myself or getting some help.

Close up picture of Sara

Take care of your skin

Our skin is the largest organ of our body and when it looks good we look good. Now that I am turning 60 in a month, I am seeing the fruit of the good habits I formed when I was younger.

Keeping your skin youthful is WAY easier than trying to make it look younger once you are older.

Here are my three non-negotiable rules for great skin.

  • Eat real food: protein, veggies, healthy fats (eat lots of these!), and a little fruit.
  • Avoid sugar and foods that act like sugar.
  • Move your body often.

In addition, I take care of it by removing makeup and washing my face at night. I then apply my favorite skin care products. In the morning, I simply rinse as I shower. After I apply my skin care products again.

I love to take care of my skin, but I don’t think any product or procedure can make up for not eating real food or eating too much sugar and processed food.

Sugar and foods that act like sugar cause inflammation in the body and cause the skin to break down way too early. Avoiding healthy fats is also bad for your skin.


Having vitality, balance, and energy are essential for looking all the time. Exercise and moving your body gives you these things. It also helps me maintain a healthy weight but that is only part of how exercise helps us.

Like I said, exercise raises our energy and helps us project vitality. It also helps us get more oxygen, keeps our heart and other organs healthier, and builds strength and balance.

All of these things help us look younger because we move better. Our energy simply looks younger when we move on a daily basis.

Exercise does not have to hurt, be expensive, or make you miserable. Exercise can be fun, enjoyable, and at times even easy. Find things you like to do and do them more!

I love walking outside. I like to work out in my home to videos. The best kind of exercise is always the kind that you will actually do.


Nothing makes you look and feel great as much as having a smile on your face. People are attracted to happy people.

Not feeling happy? I have nothing against real feelings and taking time to feel them. Anger and sadness are real feelings and important to process.

Yet, committing to feeling better and being able to naturally smile is important.

By smiling you project that you are comfortable and honestly, I think most people look so much better when they smile compared to when they are frowning.

Take a minute and take two selifes. Take one of yourself with no expression or even frowning. Now take a picture of yourself with a smile on your face. Now compare. I absolutely hate pictures of myself when I’m frowning!

Practice smiling if it doesn’t come naturally to you. Smile in the mirror.

Take selfies and practice your smiling technique. When you pass people in the hallway at work—smile. Smile every chance you get and see how it actually makes you feel better.

Look Good Feel Good

It might seem trivial to want to look great but it truly has changed my life for the better when I mastered how look put together it on a budget.

When I was married and had more disposable income, I was not confident at all! Money to spend on clothes did not make me feel great.

There have been times in my life when I had more money but I had way less confidence. It took making looking great a priority before I felt great.

Looking put together will help you be comfortable in your own skin.

Whether you are out for a coffee with friends, taking the kids to the park, or even going out for a night on the town, you can have look great without being fussy or spending a ton of money.

P.S. I love helping women not just look good but feel good. I work with women to figure out what is missing in their lives and create a life they love.

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I'm a certified life and weight loss coach who helps women feel better and get the most out of their lives! The process of life coaching teaches you to love yourself and gain self confidence in a safe effective way.

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  1. […] (For tips on How to Look Great in Any Situation, click HERE.) […]

  2. Katie@MySweetHomeLife on May 20, 2018 at 11:51 pm

    I’m finding smiling to be a big one- especially as my mouth is developing those lovely downward curves that make me look chronically annoyed. Re clothes, I’m a massive fan of finding your brand – I LOVE Boden. I know the quality, cut and sizing of them and trust they will look good.

    • Sara on May 21, 2018 at 7:53 am

      I started noticing in meetings that most people’s resting face–actually is a frown. I work on that all the time; to never look like I’m frowning, unless I really am.

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Hi, I'm Sara Garska and I'm so happy you're here! Big changes can happen with a shift in thinking. Over time, you transform your life into the one you always dreamed of having. As a certified life coach, I can help you create a life you love. Visit my life coaching page here.