You are here for a reason and learning to pay attention to these signs is the first step.

Are you ready...


  • to feel energetic?
  • to be creative?
  • to be engaged in your life?
  • to feel passion?
  • to make things happen?


Here are the secrets that got me unstuck and keep me living a joy-filled life!

Have you ever wanted a friend or someone who would check in with you daily? Who would offer just the right support you need, when you need it. You are at the right place, at the right time!

The 21 Day Unstuck Challenge is for you if...

You feel stuck with any resentment, hurt, or anger

You have dreams that you aren’t making come true

You’ve lost hope that your life can improve

At heart you are a curious explorer of life!

Lost your motivation? Join 21-Day Get Unstuck Challenge! |

21 days can make a difference in your life. You really can get unstuck.

Hi I'm Sara,

I’ve worked with thousands of people to help them achieve their life dreams and goals.

Not only that, but I have been stuck myself!

I've always craved a life of passion and purpose and I'll bet YOU do too! Ladies, that is our true nature, no matter how old we are!

I created this course so I could teach, inspire, and support you over 21 days through daily emails.

Recently I took the course myself because I was feeling a little tired and stuck after a move. Oh my gosh! Within a week, I could feel my creativity and energy come back. And I truly looked forward to my daily emails. So much fun!!!!!!

You will begin to feel stronger, surer, and more satisfied with your life.

You can tap into your inner strength and wisdom.

You can get unstuck and live the life you know you are meant to live.

Please join me today and start creating a life you love! I can't wait to share my course with you.

Coaching with Sara Garska

Are you ready to get Unstuck?

Here's what's included in the 21 Day Challenge:

21-Day Email Course

Printable Workbook

One Guided Meditation

Get ready for six focused activities designed to help you release what is not serving you and create space for you to discover the good already in your life and to create even more.

Are you ready to get Unstuck?

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